Blog Post #3

I like the second presentation the best. The colors for the fonts are contrasting and work well together making it pleasing on the eyes, and easy to read. I like that the font and colors were both consistent through the whole thing. I also liked that there was minimal transition effects.

I think that clear instructions are extremely important for a text only slide show. In the absence of diagrams and photographs, clear instructions are the only mode of communications so it is imperative that they are clear, thorough, include enough detail to convey the message but not too wordy that students get lost.

The speaker notes are the personal aspect of the lesson that makes it enjoyable to read and understand. They provide scaffolding for students, this is the part that is more detailed than the slide. They give the opportunity to address different variables in procedures, or extra essential information that may be needed that would clutter up the slide otherwise.

I think google slides would be a great tool for teachers. They would be good for teachers to use because they are easy to access from any computer that has WIFI. As well they can be shared with other colleagues/substitutes or with students who missed a class or are at home sick. I could see it being helpful by being able to be re-visited if a student needs a re-teach, additionally they could also be used and provided to a student in advance if they require a pre-teach. Lastly I think they would also allow the teacher to give instructions to small groups via technology while working with another group in person. 


  1. I agree with your statement that a text only presentation has to be accurate and clear. Otherwise a person will become lost and lose comprehension. There is study that found if a person can only read 80 percent of the words in a text they will have little to no comprehension of what the text is about.

  2. I don't know man, I'd love to agree with you but the only reason I knew what I was talking about was because of changing Cal's fluid this summer.

    Regardless though, they are most definitely awesome tools.

    PS, Let's all get together the next timer you're in town.


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